Hang out with 2 models and have their photo shooting session is a challenging yet enjoying job for me. Cracking my head to balance the light to suit models complexion tone and get their most natural postures. I am quite pleased with the product and love the ambiance at Jaya One Palm Square PetalingJaya. Special thanks to Brisik, Tapper and Two Monkeys Cafe for allowing us to do a photo shooting session.
KLPF (KualaLumpur Photography Festival) is a must visit event for most photographer in the country. Above pictures are taken during model shoot out which is organized by Fujifilm. Needless to say that each model is surrounded by hundred of photographers who are so eager to get their best shop. I am doing my best to get my best pictures too. After all, I am quite pleased with my work but a bit disappointment due to insufficient battery power for my flash gun. Sigh~