Saturday, August 1, 2009

Pre-smoke photography 前烟摄影 煙前の写真撮影

First experience of smoke photography. Many photos are spoiled due to focus failure and improper light setting.

第一个经验的烟雾摄影。 很多照片都是坏由于重点失败和不当轻设置。

煙写真撮影の最初の経験。 多くの写真がフォーカス失敗と妥当でない軽い環境のために損なわれます。


  1. hey! peter yr pre-smoke series is real cool,n yr main theme pic-images thru nikon is really good !

  2. Thanks, I will try out more on smoke photography as I'm still raw with it. Images through Nikon? isn't it I'm helping Nikon Inc advertizing without a pay. Good luck!
